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Magnesium Interactive

Battery Community


European Commission

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824066


Magnesium has been identified as a promising anode material for the development of novel high energy density, lithium free batteries. Indeed, batteries with Mg-metal as anode have the potential to offer high volumetric energy density (exceeding 1000 Wh/L) when compared to current battery technologies.

Thus, E-MAGIC project addresses exactly this potential by means of developing rechargeable magnesium battery (RMB) based on Mg-ion (insertion) and MgS (conversion) technologies.

With these disruptive and promising battery technologies E-MAGIC will give response to the FET Proactive subtopic “e-Disruptive micro-energy and storage technologies”, where the development of new technologies for energy storage and their smart integration within hybrid/distributed energy systems is a must.
