Magnesium Interactive
Battery Community
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824066
Magnesium has been identified as a promising anode material for the development of novel high energy density, lithium free batteries. Indeed, batteries with Mg-metal as anode have the potential to offer high volumetric energy density (exceeding 1000 Wh/L) when compared to current battery technologies.
Thus, E-MAGIC project addresses exactly this potential by means of developing rechargeable magnesium battery (RMB) based on Mg-ion (insertion) and MgS (conversion) technologies.
With these disruptive and promising battery technologies E-MAGIC will give response to the FET Proactive subtopic “e-Disruptive micro-energy and storage technologies”, where the development of new technologies for energy storage and their smart integration within hybrid/distributed energy systems is a must.